Class Homeomorphism
The Homeomorphism
class is used to define a potential homeomorphism between two topological spaces and validate its properties.
Homeomorphism(std::function<double(double)> function, std::function<double(double)> inverse, Space domain, Space range)
: Constructs aHomeomorphism
given the mapping function, its inverse, and the two spaces being tested.
Member Functions
bool isValid()
: Verifies if the constructed homeomorphism is valid by checking bijectivity, continuity, and the preservation of open and closed sets.bool preservesOpenSets(std::function<double(double)> f, Space domain, Space range)
: Checks if a function preserves open sets.bool preservesClosedSets(std::function<double(double)> f, Space domain, Space range)
: Checks if a function preserves closed sets.bool isContinuous(std::function<double(double)> f, std::set<double> domain)
: Checks if a function is continuous.bool isBijective(Space domain, Space range)
: Verifies if a function is bijective between two spaces.
Example Usage
#include "homeomorphism.hpp"
// Assume space1 and space2 have been defined (see SpaceClass.mdx for reference)
// Define the homeomorphism functions between space1 and space2
std::function<double(double)> homeoFunc = [](double x) { return 2 * x; };
std::function<double(double)> inverseFunc = [](double x) { return x / 2; };
// Create a Homeomorphism object
topology::Homeomorphism homeomorphism(homeoFunc, inverseFunc, space1, space2);
// Check if the homeomorphism is valid
bool isValidHomeo = homeomorphism.isValid();